

New Mexico’s new energy

Rise and shine, Albuquerque

Time to take advantage of all that sunshine in Bernalillo County and go green!

Energizing the Land of Enchantment

While solar arrays will increase your house’s value, they are exempt from property taxes. So while you’re saving money on energy, you’re not worrying about a higher tax bill! Now, with the federal tax credit of 30% of your system’s cost, plus New Mexico’s own state tax credit of up to $6,000 or 10% off your total solar energy expenses, the savings are adding up like crazy.

Net metering in Albuquerque

New Mexico has a net metering policy that allows you to get credit for any extra energy your array produces. This means that if it’s a bright, sunny day, and you don’t need that much electricity, your utility company will give you credits. Then when the cloud cover is too thick for your solar panels, the utility company will let you use those credits. So no matter the situation, you’re not just wasting the excess, you’re recycling it!

Building a better foundation

If you are making an effort to adapt your home to sustainable building practices, you’re in luck. You can get as much as $6.50 per square foot back as a tax credit – after getting certified by the U.S. Green Building Council. This is a great way to add to your savings, as well as give you more ideas on how to reduce your carbon footprint! Live the energy lifestyle you want by adapting and upgrading a little at a time.

What our customers have to say


Claim your basic human right to clean, affordable solar now. Schedule a free, no-pressure consultation with one of our experts.


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